I never QRTd myself so FIXING THAT RN!

>How long have I known him

From the first day he appeared in 2016? I remember casually liking him but only became fond of him after anime came out. Still wondering how I ignored this adorable lad the whole time😔💩 https://twitter.com/ShamsTahsin/status/1238506383160619008
>When did I start liking him
I think it was when he said “bc I like her” in anime.
Completely forgot this happened in manga (I was a casual reader) so my reaction was *insert a tea spitting gif*
>Which character trait do I adore/admire

His kindness, I think. That’s the first thing that comes to mind. Other than that, the multilayered personality. I can tell that the author wrote him with care. I’m incredibly thankful to Shirai for that.
>Memorable scene
Everything everyone said plus entire 181. Norman’s writing in final chapter including his speech, expression, body language-it all felt fulfilling and confirmed that liking him was worth it!
>What would I like to tell him?

Take care of yourself for me ;v;
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