Text of the Senate R coronavirus relief bill is being released in pieces. I'll share it as it comes. Here's the portion on liability protections, which includes schools. @NAESP

And the previously reported topline of $105 billion for education is now out: https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/TJS05MAH.PDF
▪️ $1 billion for the Bureau of Indian Ed and outlying areas;
▪️ $5 billion for the Governors Emergency Education Relief Fund;
▪️ $70 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund; and
▪️ $29 billion for the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.
Of the funding allocated to LEAs and private schools, 1/3 would be available to all schools immediately. The remaining 2/3 would be available for reopening costs, with funding awarded based on certain minimum opening requirements and other criteria established by the state.
Here appear to be those requirements:
So takeaway on conditioned funds:
1) LEAs provide in-person instruction for at least 1/2 the students for at least 1/2 the days = automatic approval
2) LEAs that don't provide any in-person instruction = no $
3) LEAs that provide some in-person = $$ reduced on a pro rata basis
Plan must include:

1) a detailed timeline of when in-person instruction will occur
2) description of how many in-person instruction days/week being offered
3) an assurance that the LEA "will offer students as much in-person instruction as is safe and practicable"
Allowable uses for the 1/3 seem to track pretty closely with CARES Act (sanitation, pandemic response, purchasing ed tech, etc).
The 2/3 "conditioned on reopening" funding pot includes some of the same allowable uses, but also for PPE, implementing flexible schedules to keep children in isolated groups, purchasing box lunches, purchasing physical barriers, providing transportation services. . .
repurposing existing school rooms and space, and improving ventilation systems.
Carveout for private schools: from the $70 billion pot, the SEA must reserve funds = to the % of students enrolled in non-public K-12 schools in the State prior to coronavirus.
Awarding of private school $$ has to be given equally to each private school based on the # of low-income students enrolled in the private school as a share of all low-income students enrolled in private K-12 schools in the State prior to coronavirus (this is equitable services).
But in order to receive these funds, privates would need to meet in-person requirements, which appear to be different than the conditioned funds for publics:
1) in-person instruction for at least 1/2 the students for at least 1/2 the days ="eligible" for full amount
2) Privates that don't provide any in-person instruction = only eligible for 1/3 of the amount of assistance per student
3) LEAs that provide some in-person = $$ reduced on a pro rata basis
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