I stopped being friends with dis one girl when she invited 3 different man over, next after next, fucked them all in a night, next door to my room hella loud bruv, THEN came to sit on my bed crying to me bc her boyfriend wasn’t texting her back. Demonic behaviour I had to pray.
For those asking, yes, I did try speak to shawty abt her continuous actions but she giggled abt it. & this wasn’t the first time she’s disrespected the guys she’s been seeing, this was just my last straw. If u can do that to men that love u, you.are.mad.heartless.🤦🏽‍♀️
I’m muting this tweet but a few facts here. 1) she is anonymous & no one knows who it is. 2) this left the guy really depressed 3) sharing this to show you how unfair some women can be, and men have feelings yall. God bless.
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