Journey [a thread]
First off, I just want to thank all of you for sticking with me and supporting me from day one or even if you’re new!

I want to share a bit of what happened and why I got on money twitter.
We were in the middle of a pandemic in May and still are today....

Laid off of one job, kept my internship.

My goal? Make money!
Being on money twitter I’ve learned a lot.

100+ ways to make money online

What you need:

• Dedication
• Consistency
Those are skills I’ve learned to sharpen with money twitter.

My lesson in this thread is to never give up no matter what people say.

People who don’t support you will always be there, but there’s more support than those who don’t.

Stay consistent and you’ll see results.
I’ve made over $300 using money twitter and plan to keep that up!

If you wanna learn how I’m creating an eBook on ALL the ways I’ve used and the strategies that helped me.

I hit 2k before I knew it and so I’m working on this eBook to help YOU make $100’s on twitter.
I’m going to make it free at first so everyone can download it and eventually will post it at $10.

All this to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can’t thank y’all enough for allowing me to learn.
You can follow @MONEYBAGGSZN.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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