Everything about SARS-CoV-2 seems unfair. It:

➡️Burdens the poor more than the rich
➡️Afflicts Blacks more than Whites

One likely effect is to make several developed countries swerve left politically, toward some bowdlerized form of “socialism" https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
Medically, Covid-19 is most life-threatening to the “silent generation” of people in their late 70s, 80s or 90s, but economically, the coronavirus has left these lives relatively unscathed.

What generation is the pandemic’s biggest economic losers? https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
Infamous Baby Boomers are now in their late 50s, 60s or early 70s. Some of them have just begun to enter retirement with generous pensions.

They’ve been politically in control for so long, they’ve molded entire welfare and tax systems to their advantage https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
Generation X –– people in their 40s and early 50s, will also be fine.

Yes, they’re currently caring simultaneously for elderly parents and vulnerable children, but that aside, Xers had a fair shot at building their careers in the booming 90s https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
It’s really the folks in their 20s and 30s, the generation between X and Z, we should spare a thought for: the Millennials.

Boy, do they keep getting shafted https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
It started with the financial crash of 2008.

The Great Recession hit just as the Millennials were hoping to start their careers. Suddenly, all the good jobs were gone, and they were more likely to be unemployed than the older generations https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
Even a decade after the crash, all but the most educated Millennials earned and saved less than Xers or Boomers did at the same age.

Lower entry-level salaries can have consequences (“wage scars”) that last an entire lifetime https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
After that previous labor-market trauma, a lot of Millennials took whatever gigs they could find:

💵Contract workers

These are exactly the types of jobs that fell away during the lockdowns and may not come back soon https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
Millennials have a right to be frustrated.

But what makes many of them irate is watching the older generations milk the system at their expense, through what some economists call “Boomer socialism” https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
Generous pensions are going to Boomers in most developed countries, which are paid for largely by Millennials and Xers.

In the U.S., there’s also health care that’s universal for the old (Medicare) but often unavailable or unaffordable for the young https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
In many countries, the Boomers have also bid up house prices beyond the reach of Millennials.

Oh, and there’s the mountain of student-loan debt bearing down on many American Millennials https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
The hypocrisy of Boomers explains why some Millennials have been embracing the loaded word “socialism.”

It’s these fed-up young voters who boosted the campaigns of lefty Boomer populists like Bernie Sanders in the U.S. and Jeremy Corbyn in the U.K. https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
The West should revive classical liberalism:

🩺Health care should always be universal
💰Pension reform is a no-brainer
✂️Tax simplification could cut loopholes
📚The idea of a UBI should be studied

This would give Millennials a fairer, more liberal deal https://trib.al/QaFKxfu 
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