If you have a podcast, or if you are thinking of starting a podcast, check out this episode of @davechensky's show @CREVSHOW. Dave, a long-time podcaster, talks honestly about how he personally has experienced changes in the medium and the industry. (1/8) https://culturallyrelevantshow.com/episodes/diary-reflecting-on-one-year-of-culturally-relevant-and-indie-diy-podcasting-in-covid-times
Some things Dave talks about bring to mind Seth Godin's book The Dip, which outlines the experience of getting over that rewarding first hump of learning something and becoming good at it, but then finding yourself in the"dip", facing a higher climb towards the next level. (2/8)
Godin's explains that many people spend/waste a lot of time treading water in The Dip because they can't muster the resources to get to the next level, or don't want to spend the effort to get to the next level, or...they don't understand the path to get to the next level. (3/8)
Now, the semi-controversial opinion Godin expresses in the book is that The Dip is a dangerous place to stay for a long time and that more people should simply quit if they find themselves in The Dip - and the sooner you do that, the better. (4/8)
In a way, Dave lays out a similar example: You start a podcast, you are consistent for a year, it does reasonably well, you have downloads and you are attracting people who want to be on your podcast. But then...your downloads start to plateau. (5/8)
You aren't anywhere near the highest of levels on Apple Podcasts, or enough to make a significant revenue. And you don't have an advertising budget that could boost everything, etc. At this point, as both Dave and Seth would point out, you should ask yourself some questions (6/8)
"Why am I doing this?" "What am I hoping for this to become?" "Do I have the resources or even actually have the time to expend to get there?" "Is this just something I like doing and I'd do it whether or not it becomes anything?" ... "Do I still even like doing this?" (7/8)
Anyway, give a listen to Dave, and also check out The Dip -it's a quick read or audio listen. Good stuff to think about. (8/8)
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