When I was a kid

My dad worked 14 hour days to provide for my family.

He showed me what it took to

- Be a man
- Develop integrity
- Have a strong work ethic

I wouldn't be where I'm at today without him leading by example.

Why You Need A Role Model - THE THREAD ✍️
Whether you know it or not

You may or may not have had a role model growing up.

Some of us have one intentionally, while others have one without realizing the influence that person has had on you.

For me, growing up I always looked up to my dad.
My daily life is attributed to the principles he instilled in me.

Role models discover who you are, and how to be your best.

We need someone to strive to become.

Someone to compare ourselves with.

Here's five valuable lessons you can take from having your own role models
1. A Source of Inspiration

Have you ever felt like quitting?

If your role model was in your shoes, what would they do?

Use that shit as motivation to keep going.

The moment we face challenges, we start to lose steam and enthusiasm.
Inspirational role models show that no obstacle is too big to overcome.

They motivate you to overcome those challenges.

You need someone in your life that will push you outside your comfort zone.

Nothing good ever came from the comfort zone.
2. Successful Attributes

If there's one thing my dad taught me

It's what it takes to become successful.

- Consistency
- Dedication
- Grit

Successful people strive to become the best and be the best 100% of the time.
If you go 100%, you can expect a result of around 90-80%.

If you go 80% expecting to get 100% of the results

You'll realistically get 60-50%.

A good role model shows you the habits that it takes to become successful.

Success isn't given, it's earned.
Success can be in terms of anything

- Life
- Business
- Relationships

Whatever it is

Make sure you choose someone that sets a good standard to achieve.
My dad hated working long hours every day

But he understood the sacrifices required to be a good dad.

Even on the days he didn't feel like it

He still showed up.
He still fed us.
He still provided.
3. Overcome Obstacles

Let's face it

There's going to be some curveballs life throws at you.

You can learn everything there is to know about becoming successful

But without learning how to deal with the obstacles you'll fall off track

All good role models have this in common
They've faced some kind of adversity or failure

And they've gotten past it and came out on the other side.

That’s what makes them the person they are today.

Having someone to look after whose overcome those obstacles helps you prepare to deal with future drawbacks.
I'll never forget the days my dad came home after work

You could see it in his eyes he was exhausted.

You could see he wanted to rest.

He never did though.

That dedication is something that will always stick with me.
4. Become a Better You

Yes, you're looking up to another person.

But the things you learn from them define what you are and who you become.

You chose them as your role model for a reason

You should admire them and strive to become them.
By following everything you learn from them

You create a bigger and better you.

They help uncover your true potential and push you to make the most out of life.
I'm becoming my own person

But I'm becoming that person because of the foundational principles my dad laid out for me.

Even if your role model isn't someone in your family

Never forget those principles that you've learned.

It helps shape you to become you.
5. A Life Coach

This goes way beyond just being a good example.

They help us in every aspect of life.

There's lifelong lessons that you carry out forever.

Every decision I make is a result of the principles my dad taught me growing up.
We all need a person whose values and actions we can emulate.

Find your person.

If you've already found them, thank them.

Don't forget that you are your own person.

A role model just gives you a guideline to follow

Follow that guideline and become your best self.
And that's the end, thank you for reading.

I hope you have enjoyed and remember.

Role models are both inspirational and influential

Strive to become the person you set out to be!

Have a wonderful day.
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