A few random thoughts I've been thinking about watching the militarized crackdown on Portland protesters...
DHS - ordered by Trump - launched a heavy-handed crackdown on the relatively small group of protesters in Portland. And that seems to have had the effect pissing off a lot of people, thus mobilizing MORE turnout, as opposed to deterring protesters.
I don't have the empirical data to back this up, but anecdotally, it seems like if you are a government trying to suppress protests, your options are to quietly try to break them up or launch a crackdown of such overwhelming violence that average citizens are too scared to join.
The other interesting dynamic of doing this in Portland - a predominantly white city - is that the ethnic composition of the protesters is much whiter than for instance the BLM protests I joined here in NYC. This has important implications for how the protests are portrayed.
How many people have participated in the BLM protests? As of mid-June about 6-10% of the US population - well over double this rule of thumb. And if Trump keeps ordering attacks on protesters while Covid drains us of agency, that number is bound to grow. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/07/03/us/george-floyd-protests-crowd-size.html
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