In the modern age there has been an epidemic of mental health issues

Anxiety and depression have been gaining speed and seem to be multiplying in doubles. Clicking on this thread is one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. I will help you

I have no interest in contributing to the inactionable threads of the past about anxiety and depression

This isn’t a thread giving you reminders of why your life is worth living

That doesn’t solve anything. This thread will give you real solutions to your anxiety issues
Problems can only be solved through actions. Not reminders of why you should continue living

Action comes from movement, and this movement leads to energy, and this energy is the outward manifestation of YOUR WILL

Now let’s begin
There are 6 steps that must be done to combat your anxiety issues

1. Eat right
2. Exercise
3. Sunlight
4. Stay in the moment
5. Focus on what you can control
6. Become God conscious

I will expand upon each of these points
Eating right, and exercising don’t need much explaining. If you don’t know what healthy eating is, or what exercise you should do, LOOK IT UP

This is your first actionable step. Gain this new knowledge of healthy eating and exercise, and then put the knowledge to use
A strong body and a strong mind are not two separate entities. If your body is out of shape, your mind is out of shape

This fact is non negotiable. Do not listen to anyone who says otherwise. They’re weak and low conscious, and listening to them will keep you in that same state
My third point is sunlight. If the sun is shining, go out and get some sun. Preferably in the early morning day light hours, or towards the evening

Sunlight will boost your seratonin, vitamin D, and testosterone. It is Nature’s miracle drug, and it keeps you happy
The fourth point is being able to stay in the moment. To focus on what is right in front of you

Focus comes from doing only ONE THING at a time. If you cannot bring yourself to focus, then you’ve failed before you’ve even started

There is no secret or shortcut to this
You have to remain in the moment and focus on one thing and BECOME THAT THING

If I put a gun to your head and told you to do a 1000 pushups, YOU’D DO A 1000 PUSHUPS

You would not struggle on focusing on the task at hand. You must have this same energy in every endeavor
A great journey requires the entire fiber of your being to overcome. And overcoming anxiety and depression is a great journey

Focus will define who you are and how badly you want to win

It will give you limitless potential and possibility
Find a way to focus. Cancel all your streaming services. Netflix, Disney +, Hulu. Etc.

Deactivate twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Drop the video games. Whatever it is, I don’t care. Go live in the mountains with monks if you have to

Now, the fifth point is to focus on what you can control

We can eliminate what you can’t control. You can’t control your height, the size of your nose, the size of your teeth, the prominence of your jaw, nationality, ethnicity etc.

So none of these things matter at all
You couldn’t control these things so there’s no point in being insecure about them either

The only thing that matters is what you can control, and that is your ACTIONS

Your actions will define who you are and the course of your entire life
Clicking on this thread was a POSITIVE ACTION that you took, in order to overcome your enemy

ACTION ACTION ACTION. Non action does absolutely nothing. The people who move the world and push the frontiers of civilization all had one thing in common

They all took action
Now comes the final point. Become God conscious. I am a Muslim writing this, so this will come from a Muslim perspective

Have full awareness of the world around you and recognize it extends beyond you. Have full remembrance of Allah (SWT) at all times
In the hadith of Jibreel (AS), the Prophet (ï·ș) was asked about ihsan, and he replied “It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, for though you see Him not yet truly He sees you.”

Full dhikr of Allah (SWT) at all times. Through every hardship and every victory
Obtain full tawakkul in Allah (SWT). This will come through increasing your Islamic knowledge, and then putting it into PRACTICE

Reading alone simply isn’t enough. You have to LIVE what you believe. And become a living, breathing, beacon of these values you embody
Pray your salah, do dhikr, make dua, and contemplate. Become cognizant of your own thoughts and do not run from them

Embrace them. And once you embrace them, you will realize, that your thoughts are essentially meaningless

Thoughts do not define you. And now you can beat them
Do things with the belief that what you want, Allah will make it happen. And then if it doesn’t, believe that it wasn’t meant to be for you anyways

This way reality will seem as if it’s serving YOU

An insightful quote from Imam Ghazali
These are the 6 steps that if you follow, I PROMISE you that you will be at peace

Peace can only come from war. And in order to be at peace with yourself, you have to go to war with yourself

Running from your own internal enemy will not do anything for you
Coping with your enemy and living with it is not success. You wouldn’t ever want to share a room with your enemy. So why would you share your very CONSCIOUSNESS with an enemy?

Anxiety is the enemy. Depression is the enemy. And the enemy must always be targeted and eliminated
This will not be an overnight process. Change happens over time, and it will take many months to see changes

And it will take years to fully overcome your invisible enemy in your head

Patience is the dark horse here. Once you lose patience, you will lose your focus
So envision who you want to become, and hate who you currently are. And then start implementing these steps into your life

Stay consistent and remain patient, and you WILL change. There’s not a single person on Earth who won’t find peace following these steps
If you want to disagree with me, then that is your own perogative. But I assure you, I know exactly what I am talking about

For those of you who will follow this,
You will become a beacon of life itself. A hardened warrior who fought the greatest battle a human can fight, the battle within yourself.

In sha Allah, you will be granted success through your trials and tribulations
You can follow @Man2Angry2Die.
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