Regarding this COVID thing... I’m having some anxiety issues with it. I’m able to function, no problem. I suck it up and do what needs to be done. The problem is...
I see everyone here going around as if nothing is wrong. Few masks are worn, in spite of the mask mandate. Businesses have it posted, but they don’t enforce it.
There doesn’t seem to be any consequences for non-compliance. This makes me socially distance harder. Plus, I think about things like going to the movies and I start wondering about air filtration systems, how the air is circulated, etc.
Went through one drive through for take out since March. When I got to the window, the cashier was not wearing gloves and her mask didn’t cover her nose. Looking back through to the kitchen, some of the workers had no gloves and were wearing masks as a chin guard.
I paid for the food because I ordered it, but no one would eat it. We haven’t been back to any restaurant. I over reacting? How much caution is too much?
I’m in the high risk category for acquiring this virus but I am getting healthier. I have lost weight. I exercise regularly most days. Wash hands regularly. Hand sanitizer is always within reach. I wear a mask every time I leave the house.
How much caution is being too cautious? What kind of precautions are you taking? I’d appreciate your input.
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