so i rewatched Once Upon A Swap the other day (for the boscha content) and i gotta say,, i think iā€™m starting to see more into boschaā€™s character upon watching it a second time. so letā€™s talk ab power dynamics. we see in this episode that boscha cares a lot ab being in power.
and this seems to effect her esteem to a very high degree, bc the second she loses her sway over her friends, she suddenly cares solely ab regaining her status. clearly we see how frustrated she gets.
and i wanna focus on one line in particular. when she confronts kingluz (whatever) she says ā€œi donā€™t know why they canā€™t remember what a weirdo loser you areā€ and maybe iā€™m reading way too far into this but let me keep going just bc
her calling luz a ā€œweirdo loserā€ may be way more telling than it seems on the surface. how? well if you think ab it, one of the main pull factors the idea of power can have is the feeding it does to oneā€™s ego; it makes ppl feel like theyā€™re above others in some way or another.
so when boshca sees the others all drop to luzā€™s feet, somebody they viewed as (to once again quote boscha) ā€œa weirdo loserā€, that hurts her ego. bc suddenly, not only has she lost the very power that fed said ego in the first place, but sheā€™s now put on the same level as luz, ~
~ and arguably, an even lower level at that. and not only does it change her status now, but it possibly changes how she had viewed her status as it was from the start. bc now, her power doesnā€™t seem as much a big deal as it once did, bc king-luz was able to steal it so easily.
and without her power, she possibly feels like a nobody. in fact, i think deep down, her calling luz a weirdo loser was bully projection, bc in truth, thatā€™s probably how she feels ab herself without anybody listening to her.
but i ask, well is there not SOME quality of hers that she can find solace in if power isnā€™t an option? well, perhaps, but what if maybe thereā€™s something even more complex at play here?
and this is where i bring.. gasp.. amity into play ahahaha yeah get your gayass over here you ainā€™t free of charge
so we all have gone through amityā€™s superiority/inferiority complex a thousand times, but ignoring that, and looking at how she looks on the surfaceā€”or, presumably, from boschaā€™s perspectiveā€”shes still that hbic rocking the top student badge.
not only that, but sheā€™s a Blight. and we all know our pals the Blights are veryyyy powerful. and yet boscha hangs out with amity. so iā€™m here thinking, what if she feels as though sheā€™s constantly in amityā€™s shadow?
recall this scene from Hootyā€™s Moving Hassle. at first it just seems like ā€œoh yeah theyā€™re bullying them cool nothing muchā€ but look at how it almost seems as though boschaā€™s trying to get amity to agree with her? perhaps i would go as far as to say sheā€™s trying to impress her?
and just look at how when amity calls it off, boscha and the rest of them listen, like shes their leader. and if amityā€™s the one with the power, then maybe boscha just wants to be approved by someone whom she views as above her. (whether sheā€™d admit to thinking that way or not)
and itā€™s similar when boscha IS the one with the power; maybe itā€™s just that all she really wants is the approval of others, bc she canā€™t seem to find it in herself.
especially if amity is always above everyone regardless, that possibly weakens her confidence in herself to lead in anything, bc amity holds the throne (donā€™t even start singing it ik youā€™re thinking ab it too)
sheā€™s just a case of wanting to feel like SOMEBODY bc without some type of following she just feels like NOBODY. and thatā€™s probably also why sheā€™s always taking selfies and posting on pennstagram; bc sheā€™s just trying to be ā€˜in with the crowdā€™ so she doesnā€™t fall out of it.
the last thing i wanted to point out was when i was thinking to myself ā€œwell what does she have that amity DOESNā€™T?ā€ and at first i thought ab how sheā€™s in a different coven, but that didnā€™t cut it. so then i considered how she plays grudgebee(i hope thatā€™s how you spell it)
and from the promo, she definitely seems to come off as being cocky on the field, but if all goes as youā€™d expect, weā€™re likely going to see boscha lose to luz (no pun intended i swear-) and if thatā€™s the case, itā€™s only going to hurt her esteem more.
regardless, iā€™m looking forward to seeing how it plays out, bc i think boschaā€™s arc would have a lot of potential if itā€™s done right. anyways stan the baddest bitch at hexside ā¤ļø
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