Imagine Sharia, but less fair, and the women are in charge

That's western marriage law, aided and abetted by a corrupt court system that asset strips men by holding their children at ransom

Divorce lawyers and the family courts are grade A filth with a special place in hell
As are the legislators that amended marriage statute from a christian to feminist sentiment

You'll get no argument from me that western marriage is the worst in the world (from a legal standpoint) & offers men the least protections & rights whilst imposing maximum responsibility
Western men don't marry for logical reasons though.

If they did, there would be zero marriage.

Doesn't even pass a cost-benefit analysis.

They marry out of emotion, out of an ideal, casting the risks out of their mind whilst dreaming of legacy and empire.
The system as it stands absolutely requires reform.

Alternative paths as it stands are the various forms of religious marriage, which have stricter practices and offer greater protections and rights to the man.
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