1/ Rich Paul has been named to the United Talent Agency Board of Directors.

Here's a look at his rise in the sports business world ⬇️
2/ Rich Paul founded Klutch Sports Group and currently represents some of the NBA's biggest stars including Anthony Davis, John Wall, Ben Simmons, Draymond Green, and of course LeBron James.

His story begins with, of all things, a throwback @WMoon1 jersey...
3/ Upon graduating from high school, Paul was buying vintage sports jerseys and sold them out of his trunk in Cleveland, Ohio.

During a brief interaction at the Akron–Canton Airport, Paul, who was wearing a Warren Moon throwback, caught the eye of an 18 year old LeBron James.
4/ The two exchanged numbers and Paul would go on to sell James a @MagicJohnson Lakers jersey & a @RealJoeNamath Rams throwback.

They stayed in touch and LeBron asked Paul to be a part of his inner circle, along with his childhood friends Maverick Carter and Randy Mims...
5/ Paul would later begin working under basketball agent Leon Rose at CAA.

In 2012, Paul left the three letter agency to start his own firm - Klutch Sports Group - and James followed.
6/ In 2019, the NCAA passed a rule that required agents representing college players to hold a 4 year degree.

The rule seemingly targeted Paul, thus being labeled as the 'Rich Paul Rule.'

He then decided to release an Op-ed in @TheAthletic condemning the NCAA's new protocol.
8/ In 2019, UTA made a significant investment in Klutch. This led to the launch of UTA Sports - a group led by Paul.

UTA Sports has since expanded to represent football and baseball players.
9/ Today, Paul was named to the United Talent Agency Board of Directors.

"My motivation is to help ensure all young people of color live up to their potential and succeed in the face of the systemic inequality that remains as real today as ever."
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