Also one last thing about that Aerith's Resolution Event in Ch.14. It was an 一方的な告白-ippouteki na kokuhaku. Aerith basically is confessing Cloud's feelings to her for him & then turns him down. His reply in the Jp version was not a love confirmation. He was pointing out++
++irony of it. Of her doing the confessing and dumping herself. He thought she was teasing him again. They made the NA VA, Cody, sound like he was going to dive off a cliff from sadness, when it was supposed to be a cute banter between them.
i'm tired of ppl reading so much into Cloud's reaction, when he's so clueless, & it's Aerith & US who know. It's one of the few times I was puzzled by the directing in the NA version. I know certain nuances get lost. Altogether, the localization is one of the best I've heard.
But as much as I like Aerith, and her words touched my heart, and it could still be seen as romantic if that's your thing, but it still sucks that they changed the way Cloud spoke. It felt way too melodramatic. Aerith's VA was spot on though imho
@KageSakura tagging you in case you've also seen the Jp version of this and know what I'm talking about.
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