When the interviewer asks Kieffer and Heuls how they felt after reading all those statements Heuls responds that they haven’t read all of them because they want to focus on what happens now in the gym. —> so they don’t want to talk about what happened in the past,
which is strange as they say that there has never been abuse in the past. So they should have nothing to hide, but they clearly do.
They say they respect the opinions of the other gymnasts and feel sorry that these gymnasts feel that way about their gymnastics career.
They say that no errors have been made in the past, but that they could have done things differently. Because at the time they didn’t have a team to support them, so no dietician or psychologist. Which is true, only very recently these experts have been added to the
training staff quite recently.
They say that the visions that the gymnasts have about the past, depends on whether they have accomplished their goals. Especially regarding the results that the team can have now. —> so basically she says that the gymnasts who have come forward
with their stories do so because they are frustrated they didn’t reach their goals and are jealous of the national team now who has better results now.
I am sorry but Gaelle Mys is a 3 time Olympian and Aagje Vanwalleghem has a euros medal..
They regret that they perceive the situation in such a negative way, because they are here to help the athletes reach their goals. They want to make them better and happier. They say that they ask themselves if they would have been able to stay in Ghent for 3 olympic cycles,
or 12 years, while being such negative coaches.
Both their kids are have entered elite sports (not gymnastics) this year which made them realize how hard it is for parents to have kids in elite sports. They have learned that they have to let the parents be more involved
with the elite path of their gymnasts. Since 1,5 years a psychologist talks to both the parents and gymnasts. I was told by a recently retired elite that this is true and that has really enhanced the communication with the coaches.
They say they don’t really want to find out why gymnasts are posting these stories. Their reason for that is it has improved recently. —> so again they don’t want to talk about the past
Then they also say that they don’t understand why the parents haven’t contacted the coaches or the federation if they tought something was wrong. They say that they are always open for such conversations and have never refused to talk to someone or answer questions.
They say that in the past gymnast might have been scared to speak up because they wouldn’t get selected for competitions, because that was the culture then. (I think she was referring to the time with Gerrit Beltman) But today they don’t think it is the case anymore
I really hate it that they don’t admit their abuse in the past!! I truely believe that they have evolved as coaches and are doing a better job, being less abusive and so on.. but the fact that they neglect the past is unforgiveable and should have consequences. But the Gymfed
Will do nothing about that..
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