Thread: No one has ever thanked me using the words "magic," "Magical," or "superpower." For that I am grateful. I AM thanked for swift, speedy, or hard work.
There is no magic or superpower involved here. It involves either specialized knowledge and/or labor. And often, that labor isn't even my labor but someone else's.
There are library IT folk, coders, reserves team, electronic resources team, the folks who place the order for materials, the librarians who deal with licenses for streaming films.
More often than not, they get it done. I'm just the point person. And while many of these folks don't interact directly with the public, their public service is so important when we use the website, the ejournals, the ebooks, the streaming films.
I said today in a staff meeting "don't use the word 'magical.' That's someone's time and labor here." I've not acknowledged others labor nearly enough. No magic, no superpowers, just specialized knowledge and a lot of dedication and hard work by good people.
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