This is an economic justice, gender justice, and racial justice issue.

No one should have to choose between caring for their family and paying the bills.

In CA, paid family leave can help families take time away from work to care for sick family members or to bond with a child who is new to the family.

We can fix this! @SenHannahBeth has a bill that would go far in addressing this issue. #SB1383 would ensure job-protected leave for workers in organizations with 5+ employees.

#SB1383 will be heard by the #CALeg Assembly Labor & Employment Committee this Wednesday, 7/29.
But federal policymakers must do their part, too.

Paid leave is one of our best means of stopping the spread of #COVID19, keeping kids, parents, and workers safe and boosting the economy. Congress must enact #PaidLeaveforAll. While at it, they should #SaveChildCare, too. /END
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