After watching a few times already, I have a few thoughts... hold on to your flasks, #Earpers , here we go.
This will never get old. #WynonnaEarp
“Fork maybe.” I think she ends up going with a spoon. I think. #EarpSpoon #WynonnaEarp
“Yeet Waverly and Doc out of supernatural garden” is so Wynonna. *chef’s kiss* #WynonnaEarp
After three seasons of joking about it, Nedley’s “still not looking at your ass.” Brought me right back home less than three minutes into this episode. #WynonnaEarp
I love the slight updates to the credits while still holding that season 1 history close. #WynonnaEarp
“No, you do not get to vanish, YOU ARE ARCHITECTURE.” Cracked me up so fully I missed what happend next on the first watch. #WynonnaEarp
Ah yes. Monkey Jesus makes an appearance. #WynonnaEarp
Evil crabs? Root balls? #WynonnaEarp
“What kind of psychopath doesn’t use a pen?”
“What kind of idiot doesn’t own a pen.”
I love one (1) family. #WynonnaEarp
The fact that this flashback scene and Wynonna and Nedley was a one shot is just so fricken amazing. #WynonnaEarp
Why was Jeremy awake and not the others? #WynonnaEarp
When Jeremy says “Oh no, the garden.” Is he reaching for his crotch like he feels something is wrong in that moment? #WynonnaEarp
This will definitely come in handy. #WynonnaEarp
Jeremy knowing that a green glowing gun is a taser... does that mean it’s a BBD weapon he’s seen before? Can we for sure say these guys are BBD? #WynonnaEarp
Nedley has been shot six times. I’d like to hear those stories. #WynonnaEarp
Nedley realizing before Wynonna that Waverly must have asked her to marry her just feels so sweet. #WynonnaEarp
Perfect Mercedes reveal is perfect. God I love Dani Fucking Kind. I also love that she has headphones on like she’s just bopping around the homestead listening to some music waiting for Wynonna to show up. #WynonnaEarp
Wynonna still being nervous about Mercedes actually being Mercedes is too funny. #WynonnaEarp
So freaking good to see Kate.
“What about Mercedes, she was supposed to look after you?”
“Cute thought. As soon as she heard the trucks she took off faster than an actual Mercedes.” đŸ€Ł #WynonnaEarp
“I need something to establish a connection with Waverly. Do you have anything of hers?”

“Yeah. Me.”

Shut up my heart actually exploded. #WayHaught #WynonnaEarp
Cut to Mercedes telling the story of how she and Kate got separated. đŸ€Ł I love those two so much. I hope we get more!

Also, “So you guys totally boinked.” Was neither confirmed nor denied. #WynonnaEarp
Wynonna Googling “Valdez” has me paused on this screen and about to do way too much research on Alaska. #WynonnaEarp
“Nobody ever uses this couch.”
Welp. There’s a new sheriff in town. 👀 #WynonnaEarp
Mercedes is definitely wearing Waverly’s clothes though, right? #WynonnaEarp
Gloria Valdez. “Killed in action.” 👀 #WynonnaEarp
I would LOVE for Kate to read my cards. #WynonnaEarp
“This regal bitch” is the new “queen” from here on out. #WynonnaEarp
Catch me trying to read the writing on all of these boxes and crates. #WynonnaEarp
Nedley putting the Valdez/Jeremy connection together. #WynonnaEarp
“Consider naming your first born Katie.” Punch me right in the heart. đŸ„ș😍 #WayHaught #WynonnaEarp
Wynonna: “I’ve gotten enough people killed, or cursed, or their faces ripped off.”

Mercedes: “Represent.”

đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł She’s such a proud survivor. #WynonnaEarp
Wynonna still low key thinks Mercedes wants to eat her later. #WynonnaEarp
Mercedes’ qualifications for being a nurse seem fair to me in Purgatory. #WynonnaEarp
“... so go get em.” #WynonnaEarp
Mercedes wanting to raid the clinic and thinking about Wynonna wanting to steal Bunny’s meds really makes me want to see those two together back in the day. #WynonnaEarp
“But I am a weapon.” *adds to list of possible tattoos.* #WynonnaEarp
Ok. Hear me out. I said this back when Bulshar was force feeding potential murder trees... but this looks like the origin seed from Lost Girl/a bigger version of the Bulshar murder seeds. đŸ€” #WynonnaEarp
Wynonna talking to herself is a god damned mooood.

The look on Wynonna’s face when she hears Nicole is perfection. Melanie is a gift to us all.

Are all these footprints in the snow from Waverly and Doc? Are they from Weird Guy? Are they from others? #WynonnaEarp
Are Waverly and Doc both wearing the outfits they had on when they last saw Kevin? 👀 #WynonnaEarp
Nicole being livid with Wynonna all while still helping her is so Nicole. #WynonnaEarp
“Fine, dad. But yeah, you really are the Daddy.”

Season 4 Daddy count: 1

Wynonna’s excitement at a #WynHaught road trip is too adorable. #WynonnaEarp
Ok but the doors keep appearing in different places? #WynonnaEarp
Agreed, Waverly, tacos are tasty is the right guy feeling to have here. #WynonnaEarp
“It is my birthright. My legacy.... I don’t know why I said that.”

She says while she and Doc are both wearing the same clothes from the Kevin episode.

Kevin, who said “You take your rightful place on your father’s throne.” đŸ€” #WynonnaEarp
Peacemaker symbols? Dat you? 👀 #WynonnaEarp
“Keep her fed.” HER.
*susupiciously stares at screen*

Does Waverly need the ring to raise people? Just wondering. #WynonnaEarp
“When life gives you lemons, you get a squeezin.” 🍋 #WynonnaEarp
“Oh she dead.” Line deliveryyyyyy! đŸ€Ł #WynonnaEarp
Clustershmutz might be a new favorite. #WynonnaEarp
“Alright, come on, Haught, punch it!”
“Your face again? Don’t tempt me.”
I love best friends. #WynHaught #WynonnaEarp
“Well, without a head, technically it’s a 61.”

Ladies and ladies, this is only the first episode back. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł #WynonnaEarp
“Fangnabbit.” #WynonnaEarp
Wynonna calling the, I’m assuming, whiskey in her flask “thinking juice” is a mood. #WynonnaEarp
“Waverly proposed to me.”

#WynonnaEarp #WayHaught #WynHaught
This, too, should come in handy. #WynonnaEarp
“So, is it a yes?!”
“Like I’m going to tell you first.”


I’m calm. It’s fine. Everything is fine. #WynonnaEarp #WayHaught
“Can we just focus on the bastard who just murdered my whiskey?” (Whiskey confirmed.)

“You’re going to help Daddy find him. Ooh that actually felt really good.”

Season 4 Daddy count: 2

Where’d the wood come from to make this fire. Who did make the fire? How long HAVE you been there?

So. Many. Questions.

The fact that they seem to be forgetting Wynonna and Nicole DOES NOT FEEL GREAT.

“Yeah, it’s Nicole, she’s the sheriff with red hair, brown eyes, Stetson. Nicole Haught. The red hair, the brown eyes...”

Waverly, sweetheart, she hasn’t worn the Stetson in years. đŸ„ș #WynonnaEarp
“Float like a butter face, swing like a three...some.” đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł #WynonnaEarp
Clear eyes, full bra, can’t lose.

“Just zig zag. You’ll be fine.”

Cut to...


“Well the next time someone has to risk their lives, you’re it.”

Nothing to worry about here.

Nicole calling Wynonna her best friend, and Wynonna saying she never had a best friend is possibly my favorite interaction of this episode.

The little smirk Nicole gives Wynonna melted my heart.

Oh, hey, lil Valdez! 🧀

I love how she can so easily keep up with their snarky back and forth. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship(?)

Also, do I need her sweater?

Xavier Dolls. đŸ„ș😭💜

Saved all three of them, and probably so many more.

He also helped Jeremy do that pull-up that one time.

“He’s jerky. And I’ve never been more vegan.”

Is this blood sacrifice like a once a day thing? How fast is time passing here? #WynonnaEarp
Angel blood and all of a sudden there are flowers. This can’t be bad... right?

A woman’s voice whispering “Waverly” can’t be bad either... right? RIGHT?

“Man, sometimes life is a real backpack of balls.”

“Can we keep her, Daddy?”

Season 4 Daddy count: 3

Also, A. Yes please can we keep her?
B. How could you ever say no to Wynonna’s face?

*water sloshing*

Did Waverly walk through the water lillies?

Whose bag is that?



Rude. #WynonnaEarp
Ok but she chose the one closest to her though right? She chose Wynonna? #WynonnaEarp
Ok, but how long since these scientists were gassed? How long has Rachel been here? #WynonnaEarp
“Bacon what?”

Using that when I don’t understand someone the first time. #WynonnaEarp
Beaver blasters. The gift that keeps on giving. #WynonnaEarp
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