This is intimidation. Of course they are watching the streams, along with thousands of supporters who are trying to be informed and who donate to the cause. If sympathetic stremers stop, we will heave a higher ratio of hostile streams:
Feds and PPB are trying to keep up with our tactics and copy them. They can’t keep their own streams up without implicating themselves, yet they trust their base to see what they want to see so why concede out of avoidance of a spin that is inevitable?
This argument falls into the same category as people saying stay off of fed property and stop with property destruction because it will “give them an excuse” as if the feds or ppb need one.
This is why the doppleblocers/bloclegangers are some of the most needed protestors. They might be “peaceful” but they provide cover theough looking guilty by association and by adding metadata noise to phone data surveillance collections.
Live streaming allows hardworking journalists to crowdsource the labor of creating back ups and filtering for highlights. Demonstrators know that their actions could be filmed in a way that leads to arrest and/or an awesome clip that bolsters the fight.
The most disruptive people KNOW the risks and are ready to face their futures with some of the weight of the traumas and criminal records that are already so burdensome upon BIPOC people including death. They KNOW this is an authoritarian spectacle and most importantly...
They know how to put on an even better “show”
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