Notable, since the province has not named and/or shamed any businesses or farms where there have been outbreaks, even when it would be in the public interest to do so.
To be clear, I don't think we should be shaming businesses, but it is interesting that BC's public health officer is out everyday telling the public when there have been Covid cases linked to bars/restos — and naming the location.
Not to shame, but so people who went there can get tested, and the public knows what's up.

There appears to be no appetite for that in Ontario, and I'm not sure why.
The Ontario Health Coalition has rounded up more that 50 outbreaks connected to retail stores — namely grocery stores, Costcos, Walmarts and hardware stores — including at least nine new ones in the last two weeks.
These are essential businesses and it's bound to happen, but the lack of transparency from the government isn't doing anyone any favours — especially now that people are dining indoors across most of the province.
Doug Ford has said the purpose of his daily briefings is to keep the public fully informed on the Covid situation, but transparency about outbreaks would be more useful than telling the media to try to get a guy who had a party fired.
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