But is @EmilyBobrow right to argue that marriage is *just* an expression of privilege, rather than also an engine of emotional, social & economic advantage? IOW, doesn't the arrow of causality run both ways?
No doubt that educ & $ increase odds of getting and staying married. I've made this pt since 2010: http://stateofourunions.org/2010/when-marriage-disappears.php. But marriage is also a path towards the American Dream. How so? Let me count the ways:
2) Americans from *bottom* quintile are @ 2x more likely to ascend to *top* quintile if they come from intact families & those from *top* quintile are much more likely to descend to *bottom* quintile if raised non-intact @RichardvReeves @BrookingsCCF https://www.bostonfed.org/inequality2014/papers/reeves-sawhill.pdf
So, moving forward, we need to shore up the economic--as well as the cultural & policy--foundations of marriage to make it more accessible to working-class couples and thereby bridge the class divide in marriage.
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