I recently discovered how important it is for me to show the world what a high-functioning bipolar person can achieve and do. So yes, I am bipolar, I am also a tenured professor of statistics. 1/
Both are possible to coexist at the same time, and my success is not because of, nor despite of my mental illness. They both just are. 2/
Today I am unable to work because I am hypomanic. And that is okay. It is not a failure on my part. It is simply reality. 3/
If you are not neurotypical in the traditional sense, that is also okay. And if you need support, my DMs are open, or find others who can help you. You deserve it, and you can achieve great things too. 4/4
Does this thread make you feel uncomfortable? That's okay! People like me are usually portrayed as "crazy" in the media. It's hard to challenge that internalized belief.
That's exactly why it's so important for me to post all of this. I'm not crazy. We're not crazy. And even when we need support, we're still not crazy.
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