I am amazed by the consistency of the Dravidian messaging , unmoved by 100 yrs of political and econ power.

Mr. C.N.Annathurai's 1950 Aariya Maayai could have well been written by any of todays leaders. There has to be a guiding force that keeps it on track .. Example. 1/
Take this very first part of "Aariya Maayai" -- Anna tees off from here with this poem on Tamil Brahmins.
Where did he get this from? He approvingly quotes J.A.Dubois an early 19th Century French Catholic Missionary to South India
Now he forgets to mention about J.A.Dubois
"Ordained in 1792, he sailed to India under the Missions Étrangères. Despite his efforts in many parts of South India, his mission failed, and he returned to Paris (1823), convinced that the conversion of the Hindus was impossible. "
Dubois was particularly pissed at the Tamil Brahmins in particular for thwarting his efforts at conversion. MrAnnathurai forgets to mention Dubois description of other castes and his approval of caste system ( Moses also created in Egypt .. etc)
Moving on : You can see the single track messasing. The same demeaning insults to Hindu Gods, the vulgar descriptions of Goddesses -- the mocking of Tamils as "shudras = dasi mavan.." . Here is a Anna's description of a bad God ..
Here is Anna's description of a Good God -- Oruvane Devan. We (i.e Non Brahmin Tamilians who call themselves Dravidian) want a) single God, b) formless c) without Archana or Offerings no decoration , no processions d) no Hundi -- then rescued by no "caste division"
so who can take a Wild Guess who this "mystery God" is ? 😂😂😂
Now coming back to Dubois -- this was his strategy in **1807** . Can you spot any similarities with todays Tamilnadu?

Atleast read the second para . Ring a bell?
Watched almost all of EVR speeches -- read over 50 of his essays .. he also stayed ON message. Degrade the people -- you are barbarians, you had nothing, your history was dark, you are sons of mistress of TBrahmins.. etc etc. Llink it up to Dubois.
In fact I am challenging anyone to show me a speech of Periyar where he "did not" spend the majority of the time, cancelling the Tamil as "sons of --" barbarians, women as mistress/keeps ..etc.
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