child care is all over the news lately-- major concerns that we'll lose this important industry. i’d like to refocus for a minute on the teachers and caregivers that are both the backbone of the child care system and the heart of children's experiences in care. 1/7
my new report with @daphnabassok @amy_ela_smith & @sasalkis on child care teachers during COVID shows that nearly 40% have high levels of depressive symptoms. half are food insecure. 20% have no health insurance. most do not have access to sick leave. 2/7
this is a major issue for an industry full of front line workers who are supposed to emotionally and intellectually support young children-- and who will likely be taking on the job of supporting & educating elementary-aged children as school districts go virtual this fall. 3/7
teachers are concerned that they'll have to work while sick, or that parents will send them sick children. they feel unsupported by officials who they feel have forgotten about them. these teachers are nearly all women, many women of color, many raising their own families. 4/7
the data suggest that a child care bail out should consider several key issues: health care, sick leave, food security. it is likely not sustainable to ask early educators to do the work of care without ensuring access to basic supports for their health & wellbeing. 5/7
we are having a national conversation about whether it is safe for K-12 teachers to return to in-person work. as we design a bail out, a parallel conversation should be had about child care, and it needs to be grounded in the reality of early educators' working conditions. 6/7
our data suggest that a bail out bill that allows centers to stay open but leaves early educators in this precarious position is not likely to stabilize this industry-- and not likely to support children. more info here: 7/7 @EdPolicyWorks @uclagseis
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