I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because it’s crazy to me. A thread:
I’ve said it a million times but I have avascular necrosis in both hips, however one of those hips is prosthetic now (titanium) with the other still needing to be replaced. I am in constant pain everyday. People like me have two options.
1) go get a prescription from a doctor, more than likely narcotics. Some may say to “just take advil.” After 3 years of walking on a collapsed hip joint, taking ibuprofen is like throwing a ball of paper at a brick wall and expecting it to fall down.
Narcotics obviously lead to additional issues like addiction, withdrawals, mental heath issues, etc. No good and I avoid them like the plague. However, it’s not always that easy and many people with chronic pain are more than likely desperate to just find relief.
Option 2: medicinal marijuana/THC. Whether you smoke or take edibles, it gives the same therapeutic effect for pain relief. I have some awesome friends who have created a CBD company that also helps me tremendously with pain. These are natural solutions for pain relief.
The crazy part: one of these is deemed “criminal” while the other is not. Narcotics sales stuff the pockets of big pharma and contribute to a much bigger problem in our country, while the guy who just ate a pot brownie is going to clear out his pantry in a worst case scenario.
My hope for the future is that the legalization of medical marijuana won’t be such a controversial topic. Taxing it and redistrubuting that wealth into the State economy doesn’t seem so far fetched, so I hope to see some progress in Texas over the next few years. That’s it!
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