CG: "The overt nature of its intervention, sanctioned by a Turkish parliamentary vote, enabled #Turkey to dispatch military assets more rapidly."
1. Was this sanctioned by the #Libya|n parliament? Is it legal?
2. What authority does the GNA have to request military help?
3. Was there a similar statement issued by @CrisisGroup on a. the illegal nature of the military+ maritime MOU signed between the GNA+AKP.
b. Upon the invasion and occupation of #Libya by #Turkey
4. Why is there no reference at all to the will of the Libyan people themselves.
@Hugh_Pope: How and why is the UN brokered "Government of National Accord" a midwife for the presence of Syrian militias and foreign occupation of #Libya by a known state sponsor of terror when its mandate was to disarm the militia cartel occupying #Tripoli and #Misrata?
@Hugh_Pope, @CrisisGroup I look forward to answers to these questions -unless of course the purpose of this statement was to serve as a thinly veiled lobbying effort to protect and preserve #Ankara- #Doha's obscene, predatory and destabilizing efforts in #Libya.
@CrisisGroup, ostensibly created to foster peace, is attempting to openly legitimize and provide platform for the propaganda of #Turkey, a radical, expansionist, violent state rather than hold them accountable and critically questioning their rhetoric and presence in #Libya.
Who is a fascist thug like Erdogan to determine who is a negotiating partner in #Libya? GNA is expired, unelected, unratified, quasi criminal political proxy of #Turkey. Libyans will not accept colonialism in any form or anything short of a gov elected by Libyans for Libyans.
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