Has anyone else noticed how many cis people there are these days? And that most cis people tend to have social circles that are nearly entirely composed of other cis people? I'm starting to think there's a social contagion element.

Let's crunch some numbers...
In 1990 there were an estimated 248.5 million cis people in the US. In 2020 that number has risen to 326.2 million. That's an over 31% increase in only 30 years!
What's more, it has been shown that at least 0.6% of "cis" people will eventually desist (a conservative estimate). That may not seem like a huge number, but in the US that means at least 19M "cis" people turn out not to be cis at all. And that number seems to be increasing.
Considering the irreversible changes and pain that non-cis people experience while going through cis adolescence, this is unacceptable. We need to do something now to protect our children from this rising cis fad that has gripped society.
I'm not saying there aren't valid cis people out there. I just think this number is inflated by the current trend of identifying as cis. In fact, this trend harms true cis people as much if not more than it harms non-cis folks.
These numbers don't lie. And it way past time we had an open and honest conversation about these issues, without being silenced by the online cistrender hate-mob. I'd like to see all non-cis and cis people set aside their differences and look at the cold hard facts.
I shudder to think what will happen to this current generation of "cis" teens if we just allow this trend to continue unchallenged.

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