Theme for this week: Equanimity and Transfiguration.

The Moon is in Scorpio now and this is a time for transfiguration through the deepest soul level of transformation.

In Scorpio, the energy guide is the Jaguar, for the next 2.5 days that the moon is here.
In this energy, Scorpio teaches many people in the collective to face their life problems and that can be in the form of:
romantic relationship problems, family problems, true feelings about not liking your career choice, (cont. below)
life problems such as: internalized demons and the shadow spirits within that start coming back up to the surface of your conscious awareness now that the moon has made the veil thin.
The Universe and Great Spirit work through the sacred dance of moving the planets and moon around to different constellation points to help reshape our consciousness for soul growth and higher honesty.
Right now, many people are being called to be honest.

Are you happy?

Or is the real answer honestly no?
For the majority of the collective, shadow work is a louder message and the biggest theme today through Wednesday, this week during this time of the Lion’s Gate Portal.
The Moon in Scorpio and the Lion’s Gate Portal opening are both asking you to heal and that requires facing what (needs) to be healed.
Find deeper compassion and ask for divine understanding on how to have bravery to open your own closet that’s been filled with skeletons of ancient bones, trauma and secrets that need to get cleaned out.
We are in an activating time to rebirth into our true selves and accept our highest purest Destiny timeline.
But are you willing to let your old life go and the stress causers, distractions, habits, addictions, pessimism, fear and shadow people go in order to be (really) happy, real life?

Well, that’s what you got to ask yourself today.
Many people will see this Moon in Scorpio as their growth day and not as a good day.

For others, you will understand and see both the growth and the good that comes from that very growth, in this week’s timeline.
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