This morning I introduced my amendment protecting renters from evictions, and landlords from foreclosures when a city or village enacts a moratorium due to COVID. #Evictions #Foreclosures #COVID19
A few of my colleagues have given me the courtesy of a heads up (I appreciate it) that they will be challenging the germaness of my amendment to LB 866 to try to kill it procedurally. I'll make my arguments against that on the floor but this is too important of an issue.
Nebraska and the U.S. will be facing an avalanche of evictions in the fall without action by policymakers. As many as 18% of Nebraska renters will be at risk of eviction by the end of September.
Families with children are the most vulnerable to housing instability-- during the week of June 30th, 38% of Nebraska families with children were concerned about
being able to afford next month’s rent, compared to 12% of households without children.
Black and Latinx Nebraskans are more likely to experience housing instability-- on average since the start of the pandemic, 1 in 2 Black Nebraskans and 1 in 3 Latinx Nebraskans are concerned about being able to afford next month’s rent, compared to 1 in 8 White Nebraskans.
Evictions during normal circumstances are very challenging, evictions during a pandemic are simply unacceptable.
And debate begins.
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