2)... Animal Hospital; the other was Confederate Ridge Animal Hospital. If you were Black, a POC, anything but White, you took your companion animal to Fredericksburg Animal Hospital. This was a must if you cared about your pet & wanted them to receive proper treatment....
3)... Because Confederate Ridge was STRICTLY for White pet owners. Locals knew this & understood. After I was born & my mom gifted me w/my childhood dog, a miniature poodle Big Daddy named "Little Fella" because when he crawled out the basket they'd put him in under the...
4)... Christmas tree, Big Daddy exclaimed "What a cute Little Fella!" It stuck. Anyway, we always took Little Fella to Fredericksburg Animal Hospital because we were Black. And in Spotsylvania & Fredericksburg that's where non-White people took their animals if they wanted...
5)...them to live & not be killed for lack of proper & appropriate veterinary care.

Today, Confederate Ridge Animal Hospital is still there. They've moved into a bigger facility but the name remains. I see it whenever I visit my hometown & drive down Jeff Davis Hwy.

6)... people STILL take their companion animals to Fredericksburg Animal Hospital in this, the year of our LORD 2020.

Because the history of Confederate Ridge lingers.
The owners know this. They are aware of the racist past of their animal hospital. And CHOOSE to keep the....

This says many things, none of them good. The Confederate flag lovers who say "Heritage not hate" don't get that this animal hospital had a heritage of hate against Black & any non-White pet owners who were treated differently if they brought their sick or injured...
8)...pets there. That Confederate flag in the name & on the signage announces that heritage of hate to the world.

And it tells me as a Black person, as a person of color, as a NON-White person that I'm unwelcome there as a customer. That my business is unwanted & not needed...
9)...Not to mention, it makes me fear for the health & safety of my companion animals.

Think about that CHEW'S TRUTH POSSE. In 2020, being a veterinarian, seeing a sick or injured dog or cat, their anxious owner & not giving a damn because that owner is Black.

THIS is the...
10)...racist, ACTUAL history Confederate Ridge preserves by keeping that name & flying that flag.

It may indeed be heritage. But it's a heritage of hatred, treason & the desire to preserve the oppression of an entire race of people for no other reason than the color of their...

That being said, I'm actually GLAD they've kept the name. I don't mind seeing White people sport that flag on bumper stickers, on the names of their businesses, in their tatooes.

Because it lets me know how they really feel about me as a Black person...
12)...The devil you know is ALWAYS better than the devil you don't./EJC
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