I won my own fitness challenge in 2018/19. I’m proud of my achievements & that I’ve maintained them.

BUT, the government’s plans look more to me like a victim blaming strategy, than public health policy. And I’ll tell you why.

The govt is simultaneously plugging this anti-obesity message while subsidising junk food like McDonalds.

They’ve basically told people that it’s your patriotic duty to keep fast food chains open during the ‘rona.

This isn’t going to help people.

I live with CPTSD borne of child abuse. Guilt and shame were drilled into me. And when someone loses all self esteem, they don’t feel they deserve to be taken care of, even by themselves. You can’t judge or treat physical health in isolation from mental health.

You also can’t treat all things as equal. Johnson claims poverty isn’t a barrier because there are free apps & coaches on YouTube.
But working out in your home gym after finishing your column while the nanny sorts tea isn’t equal to getting home from your 12hr
...care home shift to your overcrowded council flat, filling up on whatever food you can afford and finding entertainment for the kids. It just isn’t. Poverty causes increases stress and anxiety, and reduces a persons ability to put in place effective support structures.

A serious public health plan would come with a fully-funded raft of measures to support this:

Community projects where families could have subsidised/free training
Cookery classes
Food-growing schemes across communities
A National Food Service
And so on
Sadly, much of the Westminster commentariat is so far removed from working class life, they don’t see any of this. And they quickly go to victim blaming working class people for an obesity crisis that is symptomatic of and perpetuated by disaster capitalism.
Very soon, they’ll be excoriating people for being a “drain” on the NHS, and saying people dying of coronavirus “didn’t help themselves”.

This is a bogus plan that ignores all the essential elements necessary to make it real.
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