😭Last night she shared with me that she told some of her friends in tears that she feels like she finally has her husband back.

❓What changed?

💊 I started meds two weeks ago, & I'm just wrapping up my first week on the right dosage.

I gotta say... I feel the same way!
I feel like I'm finally getting myself back. But better. Because I have better self awareness & self management tools now.

With meds, I'm able to consistently show up. To show up as me. To be more fully present.

It hasn't changed who I am at all. It's just amplifying...
... the "me" that's already here.

That "me" is now more present & capable. More confident that I can "do the things". Because, I have a solid week+ of evidence that I can.

But what about the thing from @translatingadhd? Well... In that episode, @coachcamg talks about...
...a moment where his wife called him out.

It's hard. It triggers some sensitive spots. And it is hard, valuable, & accurate feedback.

I haven't always been present. Sometimes I have unhelpful default ways of responding. Defaults that I have not yet successfully re-trained...
...Part of it is years of poor conditioning from before I knew better. Part of it is the more disabling aspects of my ADHD. The combo is painful.

And we talked about that. Real talk. She shared about the ways these things have been difficult & have hurt her. We cried together...
...We talked about ways we have already doing better that we'll continue. And things I can do to do better.
This morning she had some questions about how I experience certain things as ADHD, & how it might relate to our daughter...
...I was able to translate those things for her with analogies that helped her understand.
And this came up, because I mentioned one of the things that came up on @translaingADHD:

That it's important for us to develop a self awareness of the impacts of ADHD in our own lives...
...and in the lives of those around us. It's also important to develop that awareness in such a way that we can translate those experiences & impacts to others in relatable ways.

And until we can do that... It's tough to make real, effective, & lasting progress in managing...
...& treating our ADHD.

What are some ways that you've found that help you understand your own ADHD?

What are some examples of how you translate that to others?
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