After years of dreaming, we are so excited to be working on The #BREATHEAct. But how did we get here?
We represent a united front of Black activists, policy experts, and communities directly impacted by centuries of excessive and remorseless policing. We have fought across the nation for justice from police violence and terror.

Every life we lose is one too many, and piecemeal reforms like chokehold bans and body cameras have extended false promises of safety and prevention but have ultimately been proven ineffective. We cannot wait, and we know we can do better.

The #BREATHEAct is centered on a vision that innovates new approaches to community safety, addresses root causes, intervenes in violence with trained support, resources our communities, and invests in proactive approaches to collective safety. 

Our movement is ready for the next phase of our work. The #BREATHEAct builds on years of organizing, recent weeks of protests, and 675 events across the country on Juneteenth weekend.

Black people deserve public policy that *prevents* the death and degradation of our lives and lets us thrive. It is not enough for murals or social media posts to declare that Black lives matter; our laws should proclaim it daily.

This legislation is a worthy answer to the call of our communities. It moves our nation forward in a transition Bayard Rustin referred to as “protest to politics.” The #BREATHEAct is an undaunted, affirmative vision for our lives. Join us👉🏾 

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