First Q at community meeting on CPS plan for Fall: if you choose to home school will you lose your Selective Enrollment/Magnet spot? YES... but if you choose all remote and stay enrolled in the school district, then you keep your spot in your home school
You can not opt in and out of all remote to hybrid... but you could change between quarters...
CDPH official says that people in households are most likely to spread disease.
She hearkens back to the first COVID case in CPS at Vaughn High School in March where the person had a lot of contact with students and teachers. Almost 400 people in school were monitored and none were affected, but those in her house were affected.
Also interesting... at camps and child care centers have had a handful of cases reported... mostly single cases of adults and to date we have not seen a transmission to kids.
In countries that have opened schools have not seen many clusters... says Jennifer Layden, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Medical Officer At Chicago Department of Public Health
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