Dear @MichealMartinTD , i am NOT a jobseeker. I am NOT on jobseekers allowance. I'm on a covid payment. I'm a night-club promoter and highly skilled freelance event worker. I'm NOT available for work because you have closed my business down, and for good reason, and I'm fine with
that ( just about) I expect the state to support me no questions asked during this time, just as i support you no questions asked as i hand over hundreds of thousands of Euro over the year in Taxes. The clubs and events i run help keep hundreds of other staff across multiple
venues in gainful employment and helps keeps those venues in business. The knock on effect from what i do goes on to create tens of millions in tax revenue for the state. What i don't expect is to be humiliated in public at an airport should i have to travel in the near future
and i CERTAINLY do not expect the pup payment ( that in effect I've been paying in to for years) to be suddenly and arbitrarily withdrawn. I’ve watched my business ground to a halt overnight, watched friends and colleagues in the industry wiped out and like most others have
struggled with my mental health to try and keep the head above water. When you layer over that the recent decision to award pay-rises to "super junior ministers” you are simply turning the knife in the backs of people already on the verge of breaking point.
Is their week in Greece ( that they’ve more than likely paid for a long time ago) really that much of affront to you that you would shame and humiliate them in this way?

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