Many who claim belief in the imago Dei are functionally social Darwinians.
The worth of a human life is not a function of skill, talent, accomplishments, salary, or possessions.
Those who are "failures" in the eyes of the world are the ones specially favored by Christ (1 Corinthians 1).
A good test: who are we drawn to in our relationships? Only those who share our same level of income, education, intellect, or cultural sophistication? We all desire friends w/ common interests, but love calls us to see a deeper dignity that can't be reduced to such contingencies
As someone pointed out above, we all nod along with this. But if you think it's about someone else, it's about you.
We all prioritize friendships that we can get something out of--if not something crass and mercenary, at least something satisfying relationally. Even churches and ministries show favoritism to those we consider "elite" (in education, talent, influence, income, charisma, etc.)
The image of God is so familiar to us that it risks becoming cliche. But if we truly grasp it, it's revolutionary. God has set eternity into the human heart. Every human being we meet bears the stamp of the invisible, incomprehensible God. Treat them that way.
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