Ok, it's thread time. This is going to be a bit of a mish mash but I need to do it.

1. I tweeted out about this a couple days ago and we really need to ensure that, as opposed to dwelling on and stewing about how long the UCP have and "what's going to be left" we fight to
preserve what we have. There WILL be a post-UCP. We need to use our energy fighting back - chalking, petitions, stand with those on picket lines, join protests, offer your help to those who are organizing @OurAlberta, have conversations with people (this appears to be working).
Allowing yourself to be bogged down in the doom and gloom DOESN'T work. I know we need to continue to share information and keep ourselves abreast to the crap going on, but there are some things that we should make a mental note of and move on. Don't get swallowed up by it.
Easier said than done, ok, but it CAN be done and for your own well being you NEED to do it.

2. If there is one thing that the UCP are doing, aside from being the most corrupt government in our history, they're proudly wearing their idiocy as often as they can. So in the last
while we've had @CageYYC broadcast how he's connected in the government and is using his "influence" to further his situation and then bragged about it in a typical pompous fashion. Ok first off, it was revealed that his "connection" is @Prasadpandayyc. There was an earlier tweet
from @LukaszukAB showing some notes from a legislative session where Prasad acknowledged the Moen family blah blah blah. Bootlicking is in abundance.

In addition, within the last week, Brock Harrison, also known as "Scheer's leftovers", shared some equally tone deaf tweet that
read as follows "I had a joke about Rachel Notley but then I realized it wasn't a joke it was just a lie"

Now can someone PLEASE explain to me why anybody with any sense would post this? This is an EMPLOYEE OF OUR GOVERNMENT. I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that if
most people, and by most I mean "anyone not cozy in with the UCP" did this they'd absolutely be terminated, no question. So Brock fails on the Federal stage, and now he's continuing to make an ass of himself here......Anyone see a trend?

Then, and I'll say apparently only b/c I
wasn't there, but it was said that Minister Madu call the police on a family protesting outside his constituency office. I'm pretty sure peaceful protests are fine, no? Then his tissue manager, I believe his name is Tim, but can't confirm because as a progressive (apparently I'm
supposed to be the snowflake, right?) I've been blocked, came running to the Ministers defense. Mr Madu's defense was some big bad people apparently called him "satan, white supremacist". Ok I don't know about all of you, but are Conservatives throwing insults at their own? Mr.
Madu is a white supremacist?? Ok I get that he represents an awful, vile and intolerant government but.............🤦‍♂️.

I ask of this government, for the love of everything right, if you can't get policy correct at least STOP BROADCASTING YOUR LACK OF SENSE!
3. There are MANY of us that are concerned about the school re-launch, with that said, is there anything that we can do? I know the opposition is working really hard on having the UCP support the educators, and the students. Is there anything we as citizens can do? Are people
leaning towards pulling their kids? Are people going to be masking their kids up and sending them with hand sanitizer? This is arguable the most insane thing that this government has done.

On a completely non political note, I worked for the first time at "The Hub" yesterday
since things were shut down for COVID. The excitement of hockey is in the air. I saw McJesus, Drai, Joe Sakic, and Mathieu Schneider all yesterday. It's not long now, buckle up :)

Ok let me wrap this up by saying, I greatly appreciate all my followers. It's encouraging
having people pulling for "good" over "evil". The fight continues. DM's are always open if you need to talk or vent. Lets keep ourselves healthy, in body and mind, and lets keep plowing forward. Every new day is one day closer to getting rid of the UCP.

Have conversations.
Continue to open peoples eyes. By what I've been reading in the last couple days, people are waking up, we WILL send these grifters packing.

P.S - Embrace the masks. Lets keep EVERYONE safe.

Until next time,

The Insider
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