A thread on sexual education what it entails and what are the misconceptions of society, feel free to scroll past.
Sex education is the instruction of issues relating to sexuality, sexual reproduction, safe sexual methods, STD’s, CONSENT, age of maturity and CONSENT, your rights before, after and during intercouse, birth control methods and sexual abstinence.
now to teach them about sex doesn’t mean you’re telling the youth to have sex but how to be safe when you do, what it means and how to be safe during intercourse.
reproduction? yes bashir you need to know not all parts of sexual intercourse you saw in that porn video can result in conception.
sexuality? yes bashir contrary to your religious views, multiple sexualities exist and every one of them is equally VALID. you don’t get to police someone’s life and how they choose to live it. education will help them accept themselves as VALID just like anyone else.
STD’s sorry to burst your bubble bashir but STD’s can in fact be transmitted even through heterosexual intercourse and should be taken seriously, but no they are not a death sentence, some are even treatable by normal antibiotics.
why teach 7th graders about this? because they should know what changes their bodies are going through and that it’s normal and so that they don’t get the wrong information from the plethora of porn websites out there.
why is CONSENT important? sad that you have to ask that but bashir contrary to what some of your friends might tell you “she doesn’t want it”. consensual sex is a right, sex without consent is RAPE.
why teach someone about age of maturity? because even the law of pakistan terms that a person matures at 18 which means anyone younger is a child/minor so an adult having a relationship with them is PEDOPHILIA.
now sex before and after marriage depends on your religious views and religious views should be taught in islamiat or its equivalent for other religions. all i’ll say is that religion is a choice not an imposition.
your rights yes bashir everyone has rights before, after and during sex to ensure it results in something beautiful between consenting adults and NOT TRAUMA.
birth control?? yes bashir the point of sex is not always conception. you AND YOUR GF/WIFE wanna have a baby, good for you, but not everyone does and their choice is JUST as valid.
sexual abstinence? not everyone that can have sex should be having sex the whole point in the end of providing sex education is to ensure that you know what sex entails? should you trust the person you’re having sex with? is it consensual? are you being manipulated-
or forced into a situation you don’t want? what can happen before, during and after intercouse? how can you be safe? abstinence is the only method 100% effective in preventing conception.
these are the basics of sex education your religious views might disagree with some parts of this thread but all of this is a requirement cause we all know the society we live in needs to change for the better.
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