As I'm about to leave our staging area in Kansas City, I hear my high school football coach @CoachHorrell yell "POTTER!"

I earned the nickname playing high school football. It was as easy to earn as it was for me to draw a lightening bolt scar on my forehead come Halloween.

Coach and his wife are just down the street. They came out to show their support.

I started teaching more than 13 years ago. Some of the best moments for educators involve seeing a student you had years ago grow up and do well. It's made me appreciate my teachers much more.

So yesterday, I told my football coach how much his time meant to me, especially at this moment. There's nothing like August two-a-days to teach you how to always make it to the next event in a Missouri Attorney General campaign.

And there's nothing like being part of a team that reminds you how important your long-term goals are, how this isn't just about one person, how it's always about us.

I'm forever proud to be a Clayton Greyhound. And I'm proud of the community we've all built together.

Thank your teachers. Treat them well. And pay it forward.


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