I’m up +3,000 this month

For those who are new to following

Lemme give you a little background on my strength career

I’m an elite powerlifter, former Jr. World Record Holder & still hold a Deadlift World Record in the IPA federation

In 2018 I made a switch from...
Powerlifting to Strongman.

I needed something new that lit a fire under my ass to compete

Strongman did that for me

I competed & Placed 3rd, 3rd, won 2018 KY strongest man & won 2020 NY strongest man

In between- I dealt with a couple freak Injureies

The first was...
A slightly torn rotator from doing a +160lb 1 arm circus D-bell press & got caught in a gust of wind (outdoor training)

The second was a slipped disc while deadlifting 800lbs on a trap bar

Here’s a video....

My body held form but was dehydrated from drinking beers the nigh
Before with a couple friends.

This ended badly for me. Spent a lot of the months after this rehabbing the body

This was my biggest injury to date & really came at the Peak of my stregth performance

I came back tho- & won the 2020 NY strongest man at 200lbs
Then covid happened.

I didn’t wanna train at my own gym because the government wouldn’t allow me to open for my people- So it didn’t sit right with me to be there either if they couldn’t use the space.

I spent the months after doing feats of strength.

Picking up rocks &
Other awkward objectects.

Which lead us into summer where I like to pull back & allow my body to recover while doing fun shit outdoors

Which has lead me to now.

My training the past 6 months has been the lowest it’s been in well over a decade.

My body has enjoyed it... but
My mind is ready for a new challenge

Today starts my next journey!!

I’ll be preparing my body over the next 12 weeks to reach my peak athletic ability:

Strength, Athletism, Mobility, Speed & Aesthetics

A combination I haven’t focused on in a long while

I’ve set a date...
On the calendar with my camera man @C_Garwood22

OCT. 17th with be our photo shoot!

My goal is to come with my most desirable physique that will also compliment my physical goals.

The shoot will be focused around telling the story of this 12 weeks of training

I’ll be
Lifting 900+lb tires, deadlifting 600 for reps, bench 405+ Carrying 300+lbs per hand, running a mile as fast as I can

As far as all the events I’ll plan to do- I’ll have more ideas the closer I get

But this is the gist.

My master plan is to get my body FRESH, STRONG &
ATHLETIC. As I believe this is going to be best for me to make my run at a highly Competive year in strongman in 2021

I’ve got some big goals planned in the short foreseeable future

I wanted to share them with you now to document the process

I’m currently the weakest...
& smallest I’ve been in +8 years.

Everything is going to change the next 12 weeks

I’ll be sharing tips along the way & plan to track everything I do

From training to nutrition & other activities that I’ll be doing to get in the best shape possible

I’ll be mixing...
Muilple training styles that I’ve developed over the years while adding new ones too

This challenge is exciting me.

Let’s level up! ✅
You can follow @ZachHomol.
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