Day WHO GIVES A F**K ANYMORE? (60) in Portland Warzone (Oregon) as the nightly Battle between President Trump's Team of LAW & ORDER Federal Agents & the Democrat's Team of BURN AMERICA DOWN Antifa & BLM Activists continues to play out.
No, it's not REALLY a Warzone (apologies to those who've been in one) but the Left sure is trying hard to make it LOOK like one.
It's almost all Dark Street Theater for the Mainstream & Social Media's consumption.
It's a PR War for sure & these Troglodytes think they're winning
They're not. And by what I saw last night, they're losing badly & are simply too blind to see it.
By sundown last night the usual MASSIVE THRONG of Supporters had arrived. 3,000+ milling about.
Last night the Security Fence had been toppled & broken apart as the Mob had used power tools, circular saws & acetylene torches on it until it gave in key points then Hardcore Antifa had rushed the Courthouse.
The Feds promptly beat them back with Tear Gas & Pepper Balls. A THWACK! or two from a Baton may have been seen.
The Antfia Goon Squadfs & the Feds battled back & forth all night.
That was Saturday Night.
Now the Feds have made marked improvements to the security Fence.
Concrete Barriers resting on the inner supports & "Bracing" Segments to keep the rampaging mental pygmies from see-sawing it over like last time.
No breaches.
Also no Fires.
Hardcore Antifa still tried doggedly for hours to get in.
To no avail.
They hurled bottles, debris & commercial Fireworks at the Agents whenever they appeared to do a "Fence Check" & the Green Lasers zoomed about trying to blind them.
But no more Molotovs.
WORD has gotten out.
Those "ILLEGAL KIDNAPPINGS BY TRUMP'S STORMTROOPERS" are having the desired effect.
Some of those yanked out of Bed in the last 48 Hours were almost certainly some of the Molotov Throwers.
People tell me the Feds are soft for releasing them on Bond.
No they're not.
It's common practice to observe & track the movements, meeting & communications of known Terrorists.
I didn't see one fire near the Courthouse last night after seeing Antifa set numerous ones for weeks.
Last night was actually pretty dull.
Until 2 AM PST.
The Federal Agents came out in 4 Teams, fairly well spaced.
About 60 of them & took up position along the Outer Fence line.
Antifa, confused, fell back before the Feds brazen move.
A few objects were thrown but that was all, they milled about.
No Lasers.
No Fireworks.
I was watching this LIVE on OFF META MEDIA'S Live Stream, who, as far as I can tell, is an actual Journalist.
I grew apprehensive as the Agents stood at the Fence Line for several minutes.
They were easily outnumbered 7 or 8 to 1.
But Antifa seemed off balance.
After 4 minutes Antifa began to surround the Agents. Enveloping them & closing off both points of egress along the Fence.
"UH OH." I thought. Here come the Hurled objects, Lasers & Fireworks.
DAMMIT! Who ordered them to go out there?
The Agents just STOOD there
SUDDENLY=Hey, is that Tear Gas over there?
The Agents WANTED Antifa close & just as they began to chant their usual mindless slogans at them-THEY STRUCK!!
A HVT (High Value Target) Arrest goes down right in front of the Cameraman.
The Hardcore Antifa fights hard, kicking the Agents & tries to buck them off.
"GET OFF OF ME!!" She wails.
Her efforts are futile.
It takes TWO grown men to subdue this Feral Wildcat as another stands watch.
The Agents do that for a reason.
HERE COMES THAT REASON=Her "Buddy Antifa" they assign to interfere in any arrest of her, & she'd do the same for him.
They pair up & TRAIN to do this.
His attempt to break the Officer's grip on her fails & he then beats a hasty retreat before he can be detained for interfering.
It takes almost a minute to subdue her as another threat develops.
A Lunatic wielding a Baseball Bat threatens the Agents daring them to shoot him.
He brandishes the Bat but doesn't advance.
The Agents regard him with apparent contempt as their fellow Agents finish the arrest.
Antifa Press are there filming it eagerly.
At least 3 more arrests of HVT's are going down off Camera.
(And I had been worried about the Agents!)
Bat Boy keeping abusing the Agents.
In any other setting he'd be at gunpoint right now & ordered to drop the Bat.
The Agents ignore him.
One of the other HVT's is escorted into the Courthouse as Antifa begins to recover from their shock.
YES, the Federal Agents just came out, stood toe to toe with Antifa & then YANKED 4 of them out of the Mob & they did it IN THEIR FACE!
So far all they've done is film it.
Two more HVT's are moved away as the Mob recovers it's venom & begins shining the Lasers & chanting.
I didn't see any thrown objects.
Not when the Agents are on THIS side of the Security Fence & are making arrests.
Another HVT in custody. This makes 4 so far. The Mob mills about cursing the Agents but it's clear, their morale has taken a serious hit.
Hardcore Antifa posture & bluster but don't engage to try & free their Comrades.
The Agents OWN this Ground.
aaaand I tweeted too soon.
One Antifa did try to free their Buddy & got dog piled.
Chalk up arrest #5.
Antifa is still milling about UTTERLY LEADERLESS.
A body without a head.
The original arrest is now on her feet STILL FIGHTING the Agents.
They hold her "off balance" to keep her from kicking them again & move off.
Arrest #5 is also moved away & appears to be a heavyset Antifa Mom Model Drone.
She shouts abuse at them every step of the way.
A large # of Portland Police Bureau show up to assist with the Mob.
(I guess dissing Mayor Wheeler when he made his appearance here to SUPPORT Antifa was a bad move, huh?)
The Mob is moved further back as it's clear the Feds & PPB are not playing tonight.
The next several hours are spent keeping the Mob away from the Courthouse to prevent any reprisals.
The Feds & PPB work in unison pushing Antifa & disrupting any attempts to rally.
Tonight was a complete victory for the Federal Teams.
Now, here's the point of this thread=
Over the last three weeks 48 of Antifa's Leaders & their most violent Hardcore members have been scooped up.
What I saw from Saturday (Directed Efforts, Power Tools, Antifa Teams moving with purpose) to last night (Milling about literally at the mercy of the Feds) is amazing.
Tonight at least 5 HVT's were snatched right out of the Mob with 2 additional for assaulting Officers.
All will face serious time if charged.
Here's what I've just now realized=
How many Businesses are in downtown Portland?
100's? 1,000's?
Most are closed because of the chaos.
Antifa HATE all Businesses as capitalism (I know, while they're DRAPED in gear & devices created by Corporations. They're irrational Zombies)
So President Trump is waving a SHINY BRIGHT TARGET in the Face of the Baby Brained Mob to keep them from utterly wrecking Portland's business district a la Minneapolis in late May.
& except for some random looting & vandalism....
Hey! Last night was Day 60!! & ONLY NOW does some of Antifa suddenly realize they're giving CAPITALISM a pass in favor of SMASHING themselves into that Federal Courthouse WALL over and over as their Leaders are ID'd & grabbed.
Gee, I wonder what the DoJ could have done with those SIXTY DAYS of preperation for when the DIMWIT Brigade figured out they were being played.
Soooo many late Hot Takes on what's playing out at the JUSTICE Center.
This is THE most violent & destructive Antifa Group ON TWITTER.
Suddenly realizing that Guerrilla Warfare (READ: Terrorism)
using the generation called the SELFIE NATION may not be a good mix.
Anyone with a Brain can game the living F**K out of these Problem Children.
Because their leadership is NOT. THERE.
Last night was a Sea Change in the (PR) Battle for Portland.
Every MSM Outlet is selling you FEAR/ANGER/LUST/JEALOUSY 24/7
My respect & admiration for these Federal Officers for what they have endured to accomplish this is very high.
I predict President Trump & AG Barr will soon move to cut off the $$$ funding all of this.
I post these 3 pictures for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.
You see, it isn't just a PR War vs the Democrats being fought in Portland.
It is a PROXY War being fought ON US SOIL.
It's ok though.
President Trump, AG Barr & SecDef Esper are CRUSHING IT.
As the MSM lies, spinning faster & faster.
The Street Theater in Portland will continue I'm sure,
As entitled Commie BRATS continue to gather, chant, march & probably smash some stuff.
But nothing SYSTEMIC any longer.
They've been decapitated.
When Trump deems it time, this Dark Charade will end.
There will be setbacks from the Left, the Enemy gets a vote, as always.
But, like November 3rd, 2020 the outcome has never been in doubt.
Because America chose a Champion worthy of that title to lead us out of the Darkness & into the Dawn.
A victory we EARNED in the #SoulWAR
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Welp, Molotovs WERE thrown last night on a side of the Courthouse I didn't see.
ADDENDUM: The 7th arrest. This Guy freely admits he's from out of State.
About 40% of Hardcore Antifa also appear to be from elsewhere.
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