Old-school Cartoon Characters Ranked: A Thread

Eligibility is based on a set of arbitrary rules that only exist in my head. If your fave isn't included congrats on being the world's last surviving Dinky Doodle stan

Debate is welcome but decisions are FINAL.
35. Chilly Willy

Not only is Willy not nearly as cute as he thinks he is, but his whole schtick is so one-note and lame: the guy is cold and he wants to get warm

They somehow made 50 cartoons with this premise, which is 49 more than it deserves. Just the worst
34. Andy Panda

Also from the Walter Lantz studio and also filed under not-nearly-as-cute-as-he-thinks-he-is

When you've got so little going for you they have to pair you up with Woody Woodpecker of all people, you know you've let the side down
33. Colonel Heeza Liar

Not only does he sport the laziest pun of all time, this Teddy Roosevelt-inspired Great White Hunter type spends most of his time trying to colonise foreign countries

If he were real we'd be tearing his statues down by now
32. Bobby Bumps

Bobby may not get up to much of interest in these ancient cartoons, but he gets one over on Willy, Andy and Heeza because he at least seems like he'd be a pretty rad dude if he weren't restricted to moving at like one frame per second
31. Mutt & Jeff

This rinky-dink pair of newspaper strip holdovers starred in a record number of 300 cartoons despite never doing anything funny ever
30. Heckle & Jeckle

These guys have a really tiresome dynamic whereby one is a blue collar Noo Yawker and the other is really posh and says stuff like 'old bean' etc

They do get points for having a prime time TV show where they roasted Dick Van Dyke though
29. Mr Magoo

Like Chilly Willy, Mr Magoo has an incredibly narrow set of characteristics: he has terrible eyesight blind and he's an asshole

If I wanted to see a bald, blind asshole who alienates everyone around him I would simply look in the mirror
28. Woody Woodpecker

Everyone up to this point is ranked low simply for being boring, but Woody is the first character on the list who's loudly, aggressively, kinetically awful

For that I respect him, but I cannot sanction his buffoonery
27. Willie Whopper

This fella's deal is he tells really elaborate lies about going on great adventures, including this one where he claims to have travelled to Hell itself

Gotta admire the cojones on this kid if nothing else
26. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit

Famously the character Disney lost the rights to, instigating the creation of Mickey Mouse

Disney have had a lot of fun with him since they got the rights back but his original cartoons are pretty naff, especially after this tragic redesign
25. Bimbo

Quickly overshadowed by his girlfriend Betty Boop (bestiality aside, my man is definitely punching) Bimbo is basically a poor man's Mickey who failed upwards into some of the greatest cartoons of all time
24. Speedy Gonzales

The lowest-ranked Looney Tunes character, and the most recent to debut

Speedy is pretty charming (albeit potentially problematic), but god bless him he's just not very funny
23. Farmer Al Falfa

Al Falfa is a hero, a legend, a pioneer. Sometimes cited as the first recurring cartoon star, he also made the leap to sound before Mickey and seriously raised the facial-hair game

Loses points because he probably voted for Trump
22. Screwy Squirrel

Created by Tex Avery, Screwy is similar to Woody Woodpecker (chaotic, kinetic, just wants to watch the world burn). He's somehow even more unlikeable, but compensates by actually being funny

Lasted only five shorts because even Tex thought he was a bit much
21. Mighty Mouse

There is nothing funny about Mighty Mouse. Often he'd barely even appear in his own cartoons. He'd just show up at the last second to absolutely demolish his enemies

He's a force of nature. In interviews, his creators compare him to God himself. Fear him.
20. Pluto

I've never really 'got' Pluto. He's cute enough to be a sidekick but his solo material is mostly tedious IMHO

Even at his best he's not worth the confusion he's wrought upon the Mickey-verse by insisting on acting like a regular dog in a world where Goofy exists
19. Koko the Clown

Koko is a born innovator, as the first rotoscoped cartoon and one of the first to interact with real people onscreen

His finest hour by far, though, is when he's turned into a terrifying jazz-singing golem, which doesn't say much for his actual personality
18. Porky Pig

Yes, Porky is an absolute icon. He gave the world 'That's All Folks!' and for that alone he has earned his place in Valhalla

But he's also an eternal straight man, and while he has his moments (especially when paired with Daffy) he can't compete in the big leagues
17. Wolf

Easily the worst character on the list, like, as a person, his influence is undeniable and his horny freakouts have echoed through the ages

Without this absolute shocker of a bloke there would be no Jim Carrey's The Mask and that is no small thing
16. Popeye

A working-class hero in the Bruce Springsteen mould, Popeye's cartoons have still seen some serious ups and downs in terms of quality

There's only so many times you can watch the whole spinach scenario play out and still feel invested
15. Pepé Le Pew

Another character whose main schtick is being super-horny and not respecting boundaries

He may be a complete dog, but there's a lot to laugh at, and even a bit of pathos buried under that smelly, suave facade
14. Felix the Cat

A true king, Felix showed the world what a cartoon star could be, and just how eye-wateringly lucrative they could be

Felix had IT, whatever IT was, helping him sell toys, records, and pull off a sick collab with Charlie Chaplin
13. Sylvester & Tweety

There are three pairs of titans looming over the chase genre (more on the other two later), and while the cat and canary might come up trumps in terms of characterisation, their antics seem a bit sanitised next to the ultraviolence of the competition
12. Mickey Mouse

This might seem low, but while Mickey started off a trailblazer he ended up overshadowed by his younger, wackier colleagues and their more distinct personalities

He had his share of bangers, but so did the Sugarhill Gang and no one's calling them top 10 rappers
11. Foghorn Leghorn

Genuinely surprised at how high I ended up putting this guy, never thought of him as a top-tier Looney Tune

I just find his loudmouth southern-fried schtick really, really funny and sometimes it's as simple as that
10. Flip the Frog

Look, I had to have a wildcard in the Top 10

Who is Flip the Frog? He's Mickey Mouse co-creator Ub Iwerk's solo project. He plays piano, sometimes solves mysteries, and is just an all-round class-act

Also I have a serious thing for frogs in old-timey outfits
9. Betty Boop

Serious kudos to Betty for going out there and making it in a man's world as the only major female cartoon star of her day

She did play the damsel roll a fair few times but she was also hip, modern, cool as ice and anchored some absolute all-timer cartoons
8. Gerald McBoing-Boing

This kid does one thing and one thing only, and that's speak exclusively in sound effects

That he managed to turn this affliction into not only a stunning cartoon but also a successful career in radio is an inspiration. Boing on you crazy diamond
7. Tom & Jerry

Maybe the purest - although not quite the best - example of the two-animals-trying-to-murder-each-other paradigm

We are now firmly into 10s-only territory, so the only thing stopping these boys from being the best are the even better boys ranked above them
6. Goofy

As no less an authority than Roger Rabbit once said: 'Nobody takes a wallop like Goofy! What timing! What finesse! What a genius!'

The undisputed king of slapstick, Goofy is also a role model for single dads everywhere. Just a real wholesome guy
5. Coyote & Road Runner

Distilling the chase down to its essence, these guys drop gag after gag while also getting into the pathos and pathology of what it means to devote your life to an unattainable goal

They deserve some kind of award. Nobel Prize for literature maybe?
4. Droopy

I could wax at length about why Droopy belongs this high on the list, about how his dogged pursuit of justice puts cinema's greatest heroes to shame, but it all comes down to one thing:

It's very, very funny when he pops up and scares the wolf
3. Donald Duck

I won't even try to list all of Donald's accomplishments here but I will say this:

He was the Disney studio's first fully-realised character, with real goals and feelings and failings. He carried that damn mouse for decades. We as a society owe him a debt
2. Bugs Bunny

The joy of seeing a Bugs Bunny cartoon is just sitting back and watching him work

Like Groucho Marx meets the Terminator, you know he's gonna destroy anyone he comes up against without breaking a sweat, but you love to see how he gets there
1. Daffy Duck

Not just the best toon, but one of the richest characters in all of fiction

You could write a 600-page novel or a 5-season HBO drama about Daffy without adding anything to the character found in those cartoons, and you can't say that about anyone else on this list
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