Mermaids/Water spirits & the occult” A thread.

*** If you are spiritually sensitive I recommend you say a short prayer to whoever you believe in before proceeding***
When I studied demonology I discovered that demons don’t just inhabit the earth (land) they also inhabit the air, space & even the sea. In then fact in the bible it says that Satan rules the “are waves” and is prince of “the air”.
Radio waves, music, vibrations are all in the air, in fact - anyone who grew up Muslim knows you are not supposed to listen to music, especially when you sleep because it makes you suseptible to demonic possession
Now back to the point when you think of hauntings you usually think of haunted homes or grave yards. But ask yourself about all the haunted lakes, rivers and oceans. All the mysterious deaths and crashes at sea. People, ships & even planes completely disappearing from existence
Water deities/ mermaids are some of the oldest most powerful demons that exist, they inhabit most of the earth and can easily access our bodies (since humans are 70% water). + Water is loteeally everywhere just think about it - it even runs through your home
Now let’s start with the origin of the mermaid, this goes far back, but let’s start with the great flood, the story of Noah. This story doesn’t just exist in the bible but across different ancient cultures and they all tell the same story around the same
The story behind the great flood is, in addition to the regular angels God also created “the sons of man” angels with free will and the ability to roam the earth freely. But these “angels” saw the women on earth & began having sex with them & produced what’s called “nephilim”
Nephilim were corrupted & demonic spirits and intermingling with humans meant they were destroying the DNA of human kind - God flooded the earth to get rid of them. But Nephilim spirits do not die. They are the demonic spirits we know of today & during the flood —
Most of them inhabited the oceans.

The “sons of man” were cast out heaven and stripped of their heavenly bodies & as the book of Enoch mentioned “the women of the angels who were led astray became sirens” so you have mermaids & Mermen who are former angels / arch demons
Now Satan was not thrown down from heaven alone, him & his followers were thrown out which includes the sons of man they are one & work together.

Now I told you earlier Satan is “prince of the air” remember that it’s the wind the controls the seas.
In fact everything that is prophecised to destroy humankind is said come from the ocean. Coincidence or not who knows LOL
Now let’s start with the occult. Most mermaids siting are usually recorded around Haiti, Africa & Asia. Most of these cultures usually have a complex history with mermaids and some even worship them
Now everyone has probably lived near a haunted lake where people drown musteriously or dissapear only to come back days later completely confused
Most stories say they come back with missing fingers, webbed feet, glosses over eyes, some families even report strange appearances in their mirrors & water reflections & even strange singing at night
People have also reported being attacked into their sleep both physically & sexually, waking up with scratched or marks, seeing strange shadows in their homes & even animals mysterious dying on & around their homes
Also the sound of running water and running taps and seeing the same face constantly in your dreams that you’ve never seen in real life.
They also say if you hear someone call your name at night when no one this there not answer, that is a sign that someone has sent the spirit OR the spirit wants to get you
I could talk about how they infaltrate religion & even the government (literally almost every powerful political building on earth is surrounded by water) 👀, but I’ll save that for another day. I might make a seperate thread
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