Ok I have a few things to say in no particular order. Antisemitism is a vile form of racial hatred and obviously I have skin in this game. I (kind of) understand the #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate hashtag.
But 1) Using silence as an act of protest is beautiful and powerful when you use your body, too. Think silent, political vigils, walks, sit ins. Silence needs to be combined with bodily action or it is simply an act of erasure. I’m not going to participate in that.
2) I would personally rather see vocal expressions from allies than be faced with a wall of their silence. Silence in the face of racism is complicity.

3) Twitter have not acted in good faith by leaving *those* tweets visible, but this is not unique to antisemitism.
4) The hashtag being used today implies that jewish people, as a minority, are subject to a level of racial hatred that other minorities are not. That hatred directed towards them (us) is tolerated when other racial hatred is always challenged.
Now this is a tricky one because antisemitism isn’t always challenged when it should be, and as an atheist Jewish person I am *very* aware of a low level distaste for Jews amongst the British public, and frankly, some of my peers. This is the thing I find hardest to live with.
5) But other minorities are subject to horrendous, daily, unchecked abuses. And Twitter has not acted in good faith by not removing *those* tweets.
6) So. Please. Speak up, shout louder, shout often. Antisemitism must always be challenged. So must all other forms of racism and indeed hatred towards other groups.
7) No space for hatred. Antisemitism, racism, islamophobia, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia. Keep your anti-racism and anti-hate intersectional.

8) Buy a beigel from a Jewish bakery today.
ALSO. This hashtag is being supported by a lot of Tories and right wingers who are using the tweets of one black man to attack the BLM movement. I am not here for that.
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