Inegalitarians want to maintain/restore social/economic hierarchy: God/religion above humanity, man above woman, white above non-white, straight above gay, adult above child, humanity above nature. [Incidentally this tells us authoritarians get so angry towards Greta Thunberg] /3
So inegalitarians hate the Istanbul Convention partly because it puts women into a more equal position with men by making it harder for men to control and dominate women through violence. /4
Traditionalists want to keep/go back to cultural/religious rules. In this context, rules re. roles women are supposed to fulfil in society e.g. confined to home/family-life. Anything that alters this, like the Istanbul Convention, will grate with traditionalists. /5
Both inegalitarians and traditionalists endorse the use of violence to enforce the hierarchies and cultural rules they want to maintain. e.g. they both endorse rape myths/victim blaming. Istanbul Convention takes this away from them. /6
Research also shows that inegalitarians and traditionalists get triggered/activated when they percieve that culture/religion/social order is being threatened. This is why authoritarian politicians use fear-based messaging & identify scapegoats as source of threat [END].
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