I've been feeling really deflated around the governments obesity scheme. I despise the fact they are just using numbers to determine health. Im classed as overweight & fear now every time I go to the doctors for anything I will be prescribed weight loss as a cure for any issue(1)
However when I was classed as a healthy weight, I had to restrict, count calories and use all sorts of eating disorder behaviours to maintain that weight. I was not living, I was actually doing lots of damage to my mental and physical health. (2)
Set point theory does not seem to exsist or been considered. Trying to maintain a healthy weight nearly killed me. Now I feel like I am being pushed back into living/existing in my disordered ways just to avoid being shamed constantly. (3)
Im aware obesity is a problem, but shaming the nation insted of trying to get to the route of why many may over eat is not helpful, also genetics and many other factors plays a role. I feel I am being labelled. A one size approach will not work. (4)
putting calories everywhere is only going to install that shame & for those with eating disorders will allow that voice to run riot. Genetics also plays a massive role, again set point theory. I've never been naturally in the healthy BMI category, genetically its not possible (5)
I've never felt so unheard & concerned, years of hard work in recovery is being undone. We must dig deep and stay strong everyone (little rant over) sending all the love in the world to everyone feeling like I am right now, all my ED warriors and all those living in larger bodies
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