Massachusetts' COVID-positive test rate is climbing steadily #mapoli
New confirmed COVID cases in MA by date:

7/26: 273
7/25: 210
7/24: 214
7/23: 270
7/22: 192
7/21: 165
7/20: 174
7/19: 218
7/18: 177
7/17: 216
7/16: 143
7/15: 142

For the record: those numbers are taken from the number in the upper left-hand corner--"newly reported confirmed cases today"--of multiple daily dashboards. Genuinely unsure how to reconcile them with the chart on p. 4, which paints a different, rosier picture
I've asked @MassGovernor's team the same question and haven't yet heard back. Will tweet their answer if and when I get it. #mapoli
Had missed this--the president of @massmedical has some thoughts on where we're at and where we're heading that I'd urge you all to read. One of many relevant tweets: #mapoli
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