on calling lesbians 'men' when they do not please you:

it is such an old homophobic trope. The first thing a lesbian will always be stripped off when she disobeys society is her right to womanhood.

You know we are women when you use corrective rape against us, though. 1/
You know we are women when you slither out of the drain to sexually harass us or ask us invasive questions about our sex lives.

You know we are women when it suits you.

And you know you can strip us of that when it also suits your needs. 2/
I've been in bars where I've told men to fuck off & when he doesn't know I'm gay I'll just be a fucking bitch at worst.

If he knows I'm gay then I enter that territory where I exist in a boundary where I'm not really a woman anymore & he'll threaten violence far more readily. 3/
You should keep the red blooded nature of your sexuality very small & very guarded because at best you will either be a sexual fetish or at worst you will be just like a man - and it is the worst kind of man, the most predatory of man. There is no middle ground to exist in. 4/
There is no place in which to put you comfortably in a heterosexist society, so you sit in the only other space a bigot knows:


Stop being mean to young lesbians just figuring this out & using whatever language makes them feel happier, even if it's clumsy. 5/
I am always reminded of a tweet from a YA non binary lesbian who simply said "i do not exist to men" and dear reader, I stan. All the RFs focused on the non binary part & I was reading it like this kid is so dykey she is a cat sanctuary. I love. 6/
Where the clash comes is that I am not interested in simping for the delusions of women I have very little in common with beyond basic biology. I move through the world as a lesbian & whether I like it or not it influences many of my decisions in life. 7/
It will factor into things such as whether or not I drop to non gender specific terms when referring to a partner with new people. You think I have all the legislation to protect me but I still know the game & sometimes I will choose to closet myself for safety. 8/
It is the gaze every gay person knows where you know you're being looked at too long & it's time to drop her hand. Tbh I have the mask in my pfp because I know it pisses off bigots and that's why I bought it. I still wouldn't wear it in a rough area. 9/
When you get to the age where you accept you live in a world like this & you are not prepared to simp for the feelings of others because I am v proud of being a lesbian & you can just live with it, you will still get the homophobic abuse. 10/
Once again it is because you are not prepared to concede to make a heterosexist world feel better about itself. This is always when they start their shit because once again bigots do not zone in on your misery, they zone in on your joy. 11/
This is why they hate gay representation, they hate defiant gay people, they hate gay people who do not tell them what they want to hear, they hate gay people who will fight back using whatever resources they have at their disposal. 12/
The thing about 'pride' is it also means the pride to not be a doormat and accept whatever scraps of approval is given out to you. If you are a bigot that is your choice but you can stay a bigot quietly in the corner with your bigot friends because this queer fights back. 13/
I have never liked 'allies', do not call me an ally of any minority group. Ime an ally wishes to push in & demand to speak for that group & maybe you'll reward them with getting to say slurs cuz you're one of the cool ones.

This is how you sound "protecting lesbians" to me. 14/
You are one disobedient lesbian away from calling her a queer, dyke or bent. Or because we are in transphobic waters now - well, we all know.

Guess what? You're just a lesbophobe when you call the disobedient lesbians men & it's not for the reasons you think. 15/
It is not offensive to me to call me a trans woman. I was born female but you think being a trans woman is the lowest thing in existence & you think that will insult me. It does not, you're simply holding a mirror up to a hatred for a minority group I don't share. 16/
Calling lesbians men is pretty charged historically & what with the whole cry arsing about wanting to protect young lesbians who cannot simply exist - yeah you're just a fucking homophobe, and pretty thick with it cuz if you had gay friends they'd tell you the history. 17/
Any and all lesbians, regardless of how they present or look, are one disobedient comment or smart mouthed comment away from being called a man or just like a man by a heterosexual. We all know it. We live it. You're just a lesbophobe 💕 18/18
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