Hi guys welcome to Staycation Monday, I have noticed we believe SA tourism is not budget friendly for us locals, therefore thought it would be best if we discuss tourist price vs local price.

The outpost lodge seems to be the perfect example after @mfazomnyama_ tweet 😉.
I’m not going to try and explain what’s is the difference between tourist prices or local prices but inform you that the price you see on the internet is in most cases if not all cases, tourist prices.

As a local you can directly contact the lodge and query for local price.
There’s sites like http://www.bushescape.co.za 
Who work hand in hand with lodges to give the best pricing packages for locals or better yet contact the lodge directly.
Tourist price for the outpost lodge is R15 048 per couple a night.

Local price is R6200 for a couple per night.

Now that we are well informed I hope we do make those bookings, we all deserving of nice things.
You can follow @Sposhkay1.
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