just attended the @ministryoftest Brisbane meetup about careers. Got me thinking about cultural fit and diversity of thought. #musings
Most companies acknowledge the value of diversity and want to do what they can to improve diversity. At the same time, they want to hire for cultural fit. It feels like these two desires are conflicting? 🤔
Testers provide diversity of thought, but I feel that hiring looks for cultural and technical fit over diversity of thought. "We want diversity of thought but not too much that disrupts how we do things"
"We want you to find bugs and we want you to be assertive, but we want you to do it in a way that doesn't upset team dynamics, interrupt our work and doesn't go against the grain." Is it just me or does this feel like a tall order?
And perhaps because this diversity of thought can be disruptive, most teams veer to cultural fit over diversity of thought? Which leads to a validation mindset over a probing mindset?
I guess I'm curious what people think?
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